Showing 201 - 225 of 268 Results
The Book of the Duke of True Lovers. Now First Translated From the Middle French of Christin... by Binyon, Laurence, Laurence ... ISBN: 9781375984256 List Price: $13.95
Christine de Pisan et Ses Principales Oeuvres (Classic Reprint) by Nys, Ernest ISBN: 9780484002783 List Price: $25.90
Notice Sur les Sept Psaumes All�goris�s de Christine de Pisan (Classic Reprint) by Delisle, L�opold ISBN: 9780666034885 List Price: $7.97
The Book of the Duke of True Lovers. Now First Translated from the Middle French of Christin... by Laurence Binyon, Eric Rober... ISBN: 9780342836451 List Price: $23.95
The Book of the Duke of True Lovers. Now First Translated from the Middle French of Christin... by Laurence Binyon, Eric Rober... ISBN: 9780342836444 List Price: $13.95
El libro del duque de los verdaderos amantes de christine de pisan by MIÑANO MARTÍNEZ EVELIO ISBN: 9788416038213
The Book of the Duke of True Lovers. Now First Translated from the Middle French of Christin... by Laurence Binyon, Eric Rober... ISBN: 9780344880193 List Price: $22.95
Oeuvres Po�tiques de Christine de Pisan, Pub. Par Maurice Roy; Volume 1 by Roy, Maurice, Christine, de... ISBN: 9781016230582 List Price: $20.95
Oeuvres Po�tiques de Christine de Pisan, Pub. Par Maurice Roy; Volume 1 by Roy, Maurice, Christine, de... ISBN: 9781016225625 List Price: $30.95
Book of the Duke of True Lovers : Now First Translated from the Middle French of Christine d... by Kemp-Welch, Alice, Binyon, ... ISBN: 9781017155938 List Price: $26.95
Book of the Duke of True Lovers : Now First Translated from the Middle French of Christine d... by Kemp-Welch, Alice, Binyon, ... ISBN: 9781017161557 List Price: $15.95
Livre des Trois Vertus de Christine de Pisan et Son Milieu Historique et Litt�raire by Laigle, Mathilde ISBN: 9781017207842 List Price: $32.95
Livre des Trois Vertus de Christine de Pisan et Son Milieu Historique et Litt�raire by Laigle, Mathilde ISBN: 9781017212877 List Price: $21.95
Dit de la Rose... by De Pisan, Christine, Heucke... ISBN: 9781018762593 List Price: $22.95
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